#DocsSoWhite: A Personal Reflection

#DocsSoWhite: A Personal Reflection

By Renee Tajima-Peña

I once considered documentary to be a fallback for filmmakers of color who were shut out of the fiction universe. I was wrong. As it turns out, we may be more under-represented in nonfiction filmmaking. Sundance estimates the proportion of documentary directors of color screening at the festival to be around 15 percent. The Directors Guild of America estimates 82 percent of its narrative members are white males; it doesn't even bother to calculate documentarians.

The Future of Storytelling: NAMAC Video Roundtables

The Future of Storytelling: NAMAC Video Roundtables

A Video Roundtable is a group conversation (like a Google Hangout with better production values!) hosted by NAMAC on the zoom.us platform. They can be curated and produced on any relevant topic, any issue, any film, and hosted by any NAMAC member. Send us an email at creative@namac.org and let us know what's next!