Early training in Baltimore put this video editor on the path to working with Keke Palmer and BET Since the age of 10, Ben Loviglio-Wolf...
Archive for category: storytelling

An Interview with Paco De Onís Executive Director and Executive Producer at SKYLIGHT
This interview explores personal experiences, intentions, and thought processes behind film production at Skylight and the impact of these films on audiences.

Training A New Generation of Storytellers: Wide Angle Youth Media’s Video Production Process
It’s an October day in Baltimore. We’re in the studio of tattoo artist Gina Takaoka, who perches on a stool in her dimly lit front parlor. Three cameras on tripods ring her, surrounded by the film crew, made up of film production apprentices in their twenties and the group of professionals who mentor them.

Hip-Hop’s 50th: Activist Martha Diaz’s Journey Through the Artform
As hip-hop celebrates its 50th anniversary, revered community organizer and educator Martha Diaz details her journey and love for the culture. By Sayou Cooper —...

The powerful intersection of documentary and journalism at the local level
by Lauren Pabst | reprinted from Media Impact Funders As a photojournalist on staff at the Detroit Free Press, Kimberly P. Mitchell was used to...

Six Actions to Make Belonging Real in Tech
By Emnet Almedom, Nicole Montojo & Eli Moore| originally published by Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkley What would it take to collectively own...

Producer Karin Chien Shares Keynote at Sundance Film Festival 2022
Reprinted from IndieWire On Sunday, January 23rd, producers from around the world convened digitally at the Sundance Film Festival to celebrate the 2022 festival producers...

Field Notes: Objects of Reverence
The last 20 months have seen a culture change within the visual and performing arts, from a rigid focus on venue-based activities to a more agile combination of indoor, outdoor, and online programs

What if we let archives die?
As an artist, archivist, and curator working primarily with performance, I imagine an archive as a living space that develops protocols for process and regeneration, allowing for flexible methods of creating meaning that include bodily knowledge and improvisation.