Imani Jacqueline Brown is an activist, cultural organizer, and Director of Programs at Antenna, New Orleans. In 2014, Imani co-founded Blights Out, a collective of citizens, artists, architects, and activists daring to design a new model for development that creates art and action to impact issues of blight, gentrification, and housing affordability. She is a member of Occupy Museums, an international artist/activist collective formed in 2011 during Occupy Wall Street to challenge and deconstruct the commodification of art and culture.
Archive for Profile Category: Leadership Lab 2016

Zun Lee
Zun Lee is an award-winning Canadian photographer, physician and educator. He was born and raised in Germany and has also lived in Atlanta, Philadelphia and Chicago. He currently resides in Toronto. He has been published in the New York Times, Slate, Wall Street Journal, TIME, The New Yorker, MSNBC, Washington Post, Forbes, and Hyperallergic.

Mirasol Enriquez
Mirasol Enriquez is a film and media scholar, video editor, educator, and cultural worker who has devoted her career to community building through film and the other arts. She is currently the Director of Community Media at the Austin Film Society, where she oversees the organization’s education programs and Austin Public, the community media center AFS manages for the city of Austin.

Jason Wyman
Jason Wyman is many things. They are an artist that uses all the tools available -- photography, video, interviews, social media, sound, design, illustration, mobile media -- to create visual works that reveal layers, connections, and perspectives. They are a writer examining truths and myths through fables, poetry, and parallel observations.They are a performer crafting multi-media experiences that dance between light and dark, despair and hope, reality and possibility. They are a curator filling white walls and empty spaces with the voices and visions of community, emerging, and established artists. They are an educator cultivating environments of peer exchange rooted in creative inquiry and multi-sensory pedagogies.

Jane Chang Mi
Trained as an ocean engineer and an artist, Jane Chang Mi considers land politics and postcolonial ecologies. Exploring the traditions and narratives associated with environment through her interdisciplinary and research-based work, she utilizes art to work through these multi-layered and complex subjects.

Erica Ginsberg
Erica Ginsberg is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Docs In Progress, a nonprofit incubator which has helped more than 1000 emerging documentary filmmakers in the Washington DC area and beyond. She is also co-host of The D-Word, an online documentary filmmaker community with more than 10,000 members from around the world.

Carrie Lozano
Carrie Lozano is an award winning documentary filmmaker and journalist. She is currently an editorial consultant for independent documentary filmmakers, facilitates the Bay Area Video Coalition’s National MediaMaker Fellowship, and is consulting with the International Documentary Association to help identify ways to support filmmakers working in the journalism space.
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