Rokhsareh Ghaemmaghami’s Sonita won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance this year. Now, Ghaemmaghami is being denied a visa to enter New Zealand to attend the 2016 Documentary Edge International Film Festival.
reprinted from International Documentary Association,
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the International Documentary Association, I am writing to express our deep alarm and concern at the recent rejection of a visa application for documentary filmmaker Rokhsareh Ghaemmaghami by Immigration New Zealand. Ghaemmaghami was scheduled to attend the prestigious Documentary Edge International Film Festival in May 2016.
Rokhsareh Ghaemmaghami is an award-winning Iranian filmmaker who regularly shows her work at festivals all around the world—including throughout Europe and the US. Her recent film, Sonita, won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival. The film is scheduled to be screened at Documentary Edge, where Ghaemmaghami has also committed to teach a master class.
Documentary film is one of the most vital forms of cultural exchange and dialogue. It is precisely this type of dialogue that leads to greater mutual understanding and is fundamental to a healthy democracy.
Documentary film is one of the most vital forms of cultural exchange and dialogue. It is precisely this type of dialogue that leads to greater mutual understanding and is fundamental to a healthy democracy.
Documentary Edge has built a highly respected reputation as a leading festival to which filmmakers and others around the world pay attention. It now risks having its reputation irreparably tarnished by this arbitrary decision.
The stated reason for the visa denial—”because we are not satisfied that you are a bona fide temporary entry applicant, genuinely intending a temporary stay in New Zealand”—is without basis, and smacks of profiling. There is no indication that Ghaemmaghami’s stay in New Zealand is anything other than temporary.
We strongly urge you to reconsider this decision and grant Rokhsareh Ghaemmaghami a visa.
Simon Kilmurry
Executive Director
Let’s activate the NAMAC community to support IDA, Doc Edge and Rokhasareh! Here’s what we can do:
1. Share the letter with your networks
2. If you run a media arts nonprofit, you can officially endorse the letter by emailing and and saying, “XXXNAMEXXX endorses IDA’s Open Letter to Immigration New Zealand” (and please give them your social media names too)
3. Like the letter via IDA’s Facebook page ( or Twitter account (@IDAorg)
Simon Kilmurry is the Executive Director of the International Documentary Association, a NAMAC member organization.
STORYTELLING MATTERS is a NAMAC blog featuring original and curated writing, photography and video about global storytelling, culture & technology issues and innovative thinking. If you have a story to share for the series, let us know!
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