Facilitating collaboration, strategic growth, innovation, and cultural impact for the media arts field
Author archive for: rose

My Political Skin
By Keya Crenshaw
As a freelance creative (Theatremaker, Filmmaker, Placemaker, Image Consultant, Development Coordinator...), I know at first hand that steady opportunities do not often present themselves.

Where Is The Humanity?
Ken Burns has recently been "tapped" by the National Endowment for the Humanities to give the Jefferson Lecture--on Race in America. Shame on the NEH. What would it be like if we could rely on our national cultural institutions to be leaders in the struggle to end racism and inequality?

January 2016 eBulletin—your latest media arts + culture news
Facilitating collaboration, strategic growth, innovation, and cultural impact for the media arts field

NAMAC Receives $250,000 Grant from Adobe Foundation for Global Youth Media Initiatives
The National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture (NAMAC) today announces a $250,000 grant from the Adobe Foundation to support NAMAC’s diverse Youth Media initiatives.

Data, Ethics, Community
This essay is a conversation between Anselm Hook (Creative Technologist, former CTO of Meedan, Co-Founder of Maker Lab and Liminal AR in the Samsung Accelerator) and Wendy Levy, the Executive Director of the National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture.

December eBulletin—your latest media arts + culture news
Facilitating collaboration, strategic growth, innovation, and cultural impact for the media arts field

The Justice of Her Own Story
By Mary T. An
I’ve been thinking a lot about stories we hear. And, more importantly, the stories we don’t hear.

October eBulletin—your latest media arts + culture news
Facilitating collaboration, strategic growth, innovation, and cultural impact for the media arts field
We Can’t ‘Fix’ Copyright and the Internet. Here’s Who Can.
By Casey Rae
A couple of days ago, I had a realization: even though my day job is basically about bringing overlooked perspectives — those of musicians and other creators — to the policymaking sphere, the fact is that most of what my organization ends up doing is reactive, rather than proactive.