Screening Room

"I will not have my life narrowed down..." bell hooks.
Tell Your Story.
The Alliance is a network of networks; we embolden creative media organizations + artists and connect them with the world.
video edited by Valentina Vargas
The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture features short video spots each month by member organizations, artists and staff to celebrate culture, connection and inclusion. This Black History Month spot is by Senior Content Producer Valentina Vargas, highl
This is the story of Pegasus Media Project in Dallas, Texas and one pilot program that changed everything.
This is the story of a visionary network of Workforce Boards in Texas as they defy bureaucratic limitations and drive creative innovation across the state.
Myrdéliz Montes tells a story of their Arts2Work Pre-Apprenticeship at PhillyCAM, finding their voice as an emerging artist and storyteller in the middle of a global pandemic.
The National Day of Storytelling was a live/video celebration of the work artists and storytellers do.It was a day of performance, music, dance, poetry, cinema, and collective imagination.This day honored the 40th birthday of The Alliance for Media A
The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture"s Senior Producer, Jason Wyman, shares insights on the development of the Alliance"s Video Roundtable methodology and facilitates an open conversation about online + digital praxis and pedagogies with youth media
a visual poem about a family divided by the US/Mexico border 2017 Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival - Critics Award2017 Oxford Film Festival - Special Jury Prize2017 SIMA Impact Awards - Winner2016 IMAGEN Awards - Best Web Series2016 New Filmmaker
Women’s History Month/International Women’s Day spot from The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture
@Alliance_arts Black History Month
Pegasus Media Project Arts2Work promo
Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas A2W
Arts2Work conversations- Presents: Peter Nicks
Arts2Work conversations- Presents: Sabaah Folayan
Arts2Work conversations- Presents: Katrina O’Gilvie & Lamont Magee
My Arts2Work Story by Myrdéliz Montes
National Day of Storytelling 2020 Wrap
Video Roundtable: Online + Digital Praxis
Dictator in the Doc
Ferguson Conversations
Budrus Official Trailer
Home of the Great American Documentary
American Promise NYTimes Op Doc
Tribeca Hacks Trailer
Tribeca Teaches
Beneath the Harvest Sky Trailer
BRITDOC Impact Award Trailer
Our Fires Still Burn
Map Your World Trailer
Op-Doc: Love and Stuff
SOS SLAVES multimedia
Sands of Silence Documentary Film
Through The Wall
Southern Documentary Fund
Spy Hop Takes Washington DC
In Transit
Women Sports Film Festival
Nine to Ninety
Eva Hesse
POV Season 29
After Coal Trailer
Refitting the Planet
Be As You Are
Society’s Soul
Sundance Now’s Take 5: A More Perfect Patriot: ’American Haze’
Alliance Youth Media Summit 2017
Granito: Every Memory Matters
The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture is at the Microsoft Hack For Good to create the Colored Girls Museum in Virtual Reality.
"The Lonely Thing" tells a story of a desert dwelling monster who decides to turn his life around. This movie was produced by AMI and Zuni interns at the AMI-Zuni Youth Exchange (2015).